10 Foods You Need To Start Eating Today

Dec 23, 2015






Do you want to start seeing results and feeling results almost immediately when it comes to your fitness goals? 




Here’s the deal it doesn’t take much for you to start seeing results and feeling those results, and that’s without even working out. 


That’s not to say that working out isn’t important. 


But honestly if I could give you away to start seeing and feeling results without having to workout to begin with, I don’t know who wouldn’t want that. 


So let’s me explain something first. 


The majority of the population have created a sedentary lifestyle. 


That doesn’t just mean that bodies are moving less, it also means that the quality of food that is going into your body have become less active in your body. 


Meaning that the food that is going into your body does more damage than good. 


You probably don’t even realize it, but the majority of your food is what we call...




This is a bad thing, in case you didn't guess that already. 


Inflammation is the cause of most diseases, joint pain, and obesity. 


-Type 2 diabetes 



-Cardio vascular disease 




and the list could go on and on! 


Pretty bad right?


What’s hurting the quality of your life the most is the food you are consuming on a daily basis. 


Foods that you should learn to cut down to a minimum or out completely are: Alcohol, Gluten, Processed Foods, Sugary foods, Grain fed meats, and saturated fats. 


All of these things can cause inflammation within your body. 


I suggest removing these types of foods from you diet and start replacing them with these 10 options. 


  1. Fish: fish have healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which is an anti-inflammatory fat opposed to omega 6 found in saturated fats. 

  2. Almonds and other nuts: nuts also have healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Although it’s easy to get carried away with these monitor the amount you eat due to being higher in calories. 

  3. Beets: these have antioxidants and have been proven to reduce inflammation. 

  4. Berries: berries also have high antioxidants in them and have shown anti-inflammatory properties. It’s important to note though that because they do have healthy sugar it’s still important to watch consumption for optimum results. 

  5. Sweet Potatoes: these are more than just your holiday food, these are a great source of complex carbohydrate that have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. 

  6. Free rage grass fed red meat: the biggest difference between grass fed and grain fed is that grain fed beef has more omega-6 fatty acid, causing more inflammation, and grass fed has more omega-3 fats. 

  7. Dark leafy greens: such as kale, spinach, and broccoli have shown to play a key role in protecting the body from inflammation. These are also high in vitamins and minerals. 

  8. Garlic and Onions: have immune boosting properties and have proven to break down free radicals in your body. 

  9. Whole grains: avoid refined foods like white bread, cereal, rice, and pasta and exchange them for whole grains instead. Be sure to read your labels when doing this, some packages say whole grain, but may have added sugars.

  10. Honey: replace honey as a sweetener for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 


When you start adding these foods into your diet and start eliminating the inflammatory food from your diet, you will see and feel significant...




Food will always effect the way you look but it will also effect the way you feel. 


I would have you consider that the low quality food you consume, will bring about a low quality of how you feel about yourself. 


So I bring this up because it’s important to recognize that if you have low self-esteem that you should consider the quality of the food you are consuming. 


They are and will be directly correlated to how you are seeing and feeling about yourself. 


This is one of the main purposes I have created the Alpha Experience. 


It is to help Men and Women understand the connection of what you put in and put out of your body will directly effect how you...




Those who put in and put out quality things both physical and mentally will experience a higher quality of: 


*How their BODY performs in all that you do.


*Better inner BEING having more clarity and ability to focus, and improved self worth and purpose.


*Greater connection in your RELATIONSHIPS, because when you love you, you can love others more abundantly. 


*High performance in BUSINESS when you remove physical and mental limitations performance in productivity and creation will come. 


Within the Alpha Female and Male Experience I will show exactly how to do this. 


No other fitness program out there will give you the experience you’ll have in the Alpha Experience.


This program is designed solely to give you the RESULTS you desire. 


This is how you undergo TRUE TRANSFORMATION! 


If you would like to see if the Alpha Female or Male is the right program for you and your ready to have your transformation: 


Click Here Now To Apply For Alpha Female


Click Here Now To Apply For Alpha Male


Fill out an application and I will contact you as soon as I receive your application to setup a phone to go over it with you. 


If you want MORE than just an ordinary workout nutrition weight loss program, and you are wanting a complete LIFESTYLE TRANSFORMATION then the Alpha Experience may be the right fit for you! 


Those who are in the Alpha Experience right now are experiencing: 


*MASSIVE BODY TRANSFORMATIONS (Dropping weight and inches, have more energy, and more confidence)


*DEEPER CONNECTION WITH WHO THEY ARE (Having a deeper connection with God/High Power and with their purpose)


*STRONGER MARRIAGES (Creating a marriage with clear communication, creating deeper and more intimate connection, and better sex life) 


*MORE INCOME WITHIN BUSINESS (Having a greater capacity to perform at higher levels. Doing more in less time) 


Yes and it all starts with transforming the PHYSICAL and MENTAL parts of you FIRST! 


So are you ready? 


Click Here Now To Apply For Alpha Female


Click Here Now To Apply For Alpha Male


Fill out the application now.


Matt Johnson, Leader Of The Pack