Are You Over trained?

Dec 24, 2021


Are You Overtrained?


February 11, 2018


Matt Johnson NASM CPT, PES



Signs that you maybe overtrained and what you can do to treat it.


"Train hard"


"Never be out worked" 


You've probably seen and heard these motivational quotes before, and let's face it they work. They motivate us and encourage us to really push ourselves inside the gym, but is it too much? 


Overtraining, it's a topic that some may agree happens, but others may disagree and just call it weakness. So is it? Is it actually happening or is it just in your head? 




The truth is, that YES you can overtrain your body. Its basic science of our bodies and it can happen and happens more often than not, to most people who are working toward their fitness goals. 




We tend to want to push ourselves physically when we workout, but on the other side of that, you are probably following a lower and restrictive diet to ensure that you get results. This combination is the perfect combination to overtrain, simply because most will leave out a good recovery plan.


Think of your body like a car. Your car runs off of gas, without it, it doesn't move. Your body is the same, but your body will still move if your force it to. That is when you begin to overtrain yourself.




There are some significant symptoms that occur when you are overtrained, these can lead to very serious issues if not addressed. They can lead to injuries and other health related problems. Which is why I will include some things you can do to help correct the problem.




If you are training consistently and you notice that you endurance or strength decreases, you may want to take note. Now, I know that everyone has good days and bad days whentraining, which can be a symptom, but I am talking more along the lines of you just aren't able to get back to where you were. You can't beat your PR no matter what you're doing and your normal weight used, just seems to be getting heavier not lighter. This is a very good sign your muscles are not recovering and you are at a point of overtraining. 




Chronic fatigue is due to having a negative energy expenditure within your body. Your body is having to use its own sources, like protein, carbs, and fats for energy. This can be from overtraining and/or not having enough food for fuel in your body. 




Due to the low amount of calories and high output, this causes your metabolism to slow down. It can also cause mineral deficiencies which can means low iron, decreased reproductive system (irregular menstrual cycle for women), and other medical complications.




Achy joints and over sore muscles that last for long periods of time are signs of being overtrained. Because it is so taxing on the body, it is also taxing to all the body's systems which can make it hard to fight and protect against infections and illnesses. 





Moodiness and even depression can be caused by being overtrained.


Due to the stress being put on your body and the cortisol being released.


I also suggest talking with a physician if you notice these symptoms as they could get worse and should not be taken lightly.


These are a few of the symptoms that could be happening if you are overtrained, but here are few more you may notice:


*Decrease appetite 

*Loss of motivation


*Unwanted weight loss

*Decrease bone density





One of the easiest things to do is to simply REST!


As obvious as this may sound, rest should actually be programmed into your workout routine. It is just as vital as your nutrition portion and workout portion. Letting your body rest and recover is how you bring your body up from being in a negative output. 


So many people are worried of losing their "gains" but studies have shown that if you take up to 21 days of decreased volume to your training regiment, absolutely zero losses will be had. This means if you are doing 5 sets, decrease to 2-3. Take 6 days a week and decrease to 3 days a week. 


When you are trying to recover from being overtrained your focus should be these things: 

*Eat your maintenance level of protein, carbs, and fats


*Sleep 7-8 hours is optimum


*Hot and cold body therapy in ice and hot baths

*Take time off from training, if severe take 1-2 weeks of no training at all.


The truth when it comes to overtraining, is that it can happen. It can and does happen more often then most people realize. This is not saying you shouldn't push yourself in the gym, but to say listen to your body and plan recovery time.


It's more important for us to begin to talking about the long term game plan, when approaching our fitness goals. We can do more damage than good, if we don't take that into consideration. With today's fitness world in social media and all the things out there, it can be easy to forget that.


Your long term plan is the most preventable health care plan you can take. 


-Matt Johnson, Owner Of The Elite Training Facility CPT, PES











If you'd like to see how me and my team can help you take on your health and fitness goals with a long term game plan approach, then click the link below and schedule your FREE 30 min consultation today! 




Also, if you are in the Sandy/Draper Ut, area and are looking for a place that can help you recover, we recommend checking out our friends at Recharge Sports And Performance to help you. Their main focus is recovery for active people like you!